Where: Blackledge Country Club, 180 West Street, Hebron, Connecticut 06248 Contact: Volunteer Coordinator Contact Email: [email protected] Open Volunteer Spots: 1

Please Read Carefully

Volunteers needed to handle all apsepcts of golfer check-in & registration.
Location:  Clubhouse
This is a NON-SHIFT volunteer position, and will run from 8:00 am to 10:30 am
  • Positions include;
    • Golfer Check-In
    • Mulligan Sales
    • Handicap Sales
    • Raffle Ticket Sales
    • Swag Bag Handout

PLEASE NOTE that working the registration table will require volunteers to process a lot of information, and a high flow of golfers in a very short period of time.  If you do not feel that you are able to handle this, please consider one of our other volunteer oppotunities.

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